This is the initial frog that I drew with p5.js.
Initial face mirror
Project Component 1:
Mouse Interactive Element
Improved frog. Also I turned it into a class so I can objectify(?) it. yippee
Custom Brush
(Key: press 'g' to activate)
Project Component 2:
Keyboard Interactive Elements
Project Component 3:
Mic Interactive Element

My name is Irene Chung, and this website contains what I've learned/created over the course of 6 weeks while taking DESMA 28: Interactivity at
UCLA Design | Media Arts.

Thank you T.C. Zhou for teaching us DESMA 28 and helping us throughout the class!
Project component 4:
ML5 Face Interactive Elements
FINAL INTERACTIVE MIRROR :D !!!!!!! 𓆏𓆏𓆏𓆏𓆏 live laugh frog.
← I figured using a consistent color palette for my frog & final project would help, so I made & tweaked a palette with
With some help from my friends who (actually) know music theory, I made this BGM.
Initial Figma prototype of the project
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← click to go to live site
← click to go to live site
← click to go to live site
← click to go to live site
Click this memo to see the code for the frog mirror project.

Most images on this website that you click on should redirect you to the code.